This page will show how speed improvement for my local ISP at home. The data began from 2019, missing some 2020 because of powerdown and continue in end of Jun 2021.
The code is rather simple, just a crontab traffic and exporting graph by wonderful matplotlib.
The traffic aggr crontab is something like this from reddit:
import pandas as pd
import sqlite3
import speedtest
from lib.graph import graph_output
servers = []
# set this number to use threads
threads = None
s = speedtest . Speedtest ()
s . get_best_server ()
s . download ( threads = threads )
s . upload ( threads = threads , pre_allocate = False )
results = s . results . dict ()
df = pd . DataFrame ({ 'timestamp' :[ results [ 'timestamp' ]], 'download' :[ results [ 'download' ] / 1000000 ], 'upload' :[ results [ 'upload' ] / 1000000 ], 'ping' :[ results [ 'ping' ]]})
con = sqlite3 . connect ( 'speed.db' )
df . to_sql ( 'speed' , con , if_exists = 'append' )
con . close ()
graph_output ()
And graph_output() function like this, put lib lib/, the query limit default is 10 but can be adjusted depend on your own.
import sqlite3
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib
matplotlib . use ( 'AGG' )
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
def graph_output ():
con = sqlite3 . connect ( 'speed.db' )
# per day
df = pd . read_sql ( 'SELECT * FROM (SELECT DATE(timestamp,"localtime") AS perday,download,upload,ping FROM tests ORDER BY perday DESC limit 10) ORDER BY perday ASC' , con )
# set default plot size before savefig
plt . rcParams [ 'figure.figsize' ] = [ 12 , 9 ]
ax1 = plt . subplots ()
ax1 . plot_date ( df [ 'perday' ], df [ 'download' ], label = 'download' , linestyle = 'dotted' )
ax1 . plot_date ( df [ 'perday' ], df [ 'upload' ], label = 'upload' , linestyle = 'dotted' )
ax1 . plot_date ( df [ 'perday' ], df [ 'ping' ], label = 'latency' , linestyle = 'dotted' , color = 'g' )
ax1 . set_xlabel ( 'Days' )
ax1 . set_ylabel ( 'Speed(Mbps)' , color = 'b' )
ax1 . legend ( loc = 'best' )
ax2 = ax1 . twinx ()
ax2 . plot_date ( df [ 'perday' ], df [ 'ping' ], label = 'latency' , linestyle = 'dotted' , color = 'g' )
ax2 . set_ylabel ( 'latency(ms)' , color = 'g' )
plt . title ( 'Viettel FTTH Internet speed test using speedtest' )
plt . savefig ( 'speed.png' , dpi = 150 )
This should be put in env and requires these modules in requirements.txt
cycler == 0.10.0
kiwisolver == 1.3.1
matplotlib == 3.4.2
numpy == 1.21.0
pandas == 1.2.5
Pillow == 8.2.0
pyparsing == 2.4.7
python-dateutil== 2.8.1
pytz == 2021.1
six == 1.16.0
speedtest-cli== 2.1.3